Monday 16 February 2015

Logbar Ring

Todays post I will be discussing the Logbar Ring. This Bluetooth device will make you feel like you are a wizard when using it. I will start the post off with a quote. “We've seen interactive rings that receive alerts from your smartphone and even rings that will give you the current time in a unique way, but a new ring leapfrogs the rest by acting as a full-on control mechanism. On its exterior, Logbar's Ring device looks like nothing more than a silver ring, but packed inside the device are electronics that allow it to recognize your finger gestures and control any number of devices.”1

Although this device does look very entertaining, this does not seem like a ring that would in any way be comfortable to wear. As well as the obvious downside is the device is not waterproof, which I know for a fact if I had one of these I would forget to take it off the first shower I had.

By recognizing finger gestures, Ring allows the wearer to write text messages by simply drawing in the air. The same dynamic allows the wearer to access apps by drawing designated shapes in the air. For example, drawing a music note could access your music player, while drawing an envelope shape would allow you to access your email.2 This all sounds fun but it also sounds like a waste of time when you can just tap your screen.

The one question I was thinking about when reading this article, is it worth the money or is just another device that will not make it to major markets?

To conclude this blog post I will add a link to a Logbar Ring video that talks more about the ring in great detail. Thank you for reading and Stay tuned for more posts about the new technology that would one day be the norm.


1.     Mashable (March 3 2014). This Bluetooth Ring Is Like a Magic Wand on Your Finger. Retrieved on February 16, 2015, from          

2.     Ibid

1 comment:

  1. Gesture control, I have always been fascintated with this. It will be great when then can make the unit more compact and the gestures more slight/less exaggerated
