Tuesday 17 March 2015

World's Smartest Dummy

Hello all, for my final blog post I will be discussing the Pacif-i. This new device is the “Worlds first Bluetooth Smart Pacifier.1 I personally feel like this device is extremely beneficial and will soon be the normal pacifier for any family who can afford to spend a little extra on child care. First off this device will give any worried parent peace of mind when dealing with their baby.

For those of you slightly confused about this device here is a quick quote that will tell you exactly what this smart pacifier does “With a temperature sensor built into the pacifier’s silicon teat, Pacif-i transmits temperature data via Bluetooth Smart (sometimes referred to as Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Low Energy) to a free app on an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet. The app determines when the temperature is the most accurate and then time-stamps and plots the temperature data in a graph.  Via the app, parents can record when medication was administered, set-up alerts/ reminders and share the data with carers and medical professionals.2

This could be a great buy, but it also brings up the question? Is this okay or will this make parents more dependable on their smartphone when looking to aid their children other than having natural caring instincts. For example “Pacif-i also features an in-built proximity sensor that allows parents to monitor the pacifier’s location and so be alerted when their child wanders off. Within the app, parents can set the distance, up to a range of 20 metres, for the alarm to be triggered when this is breached.3 There should not be a time when your baby wanders off that far without you noticing, sure it happens but in reality this should not be an issue.

To conclude this final blog post I will add a link to a Pacif-i video that talks more about the device in great detail. Thank you for reading for reading my blog about the new technology that would one day be the norm. I hope you all enjoyed reading these posts as much as I enjoyed writing them.


1. Pacif-i. (n.d.). The world’s smartest dummy. Retrieved on March 17, 2015, from                 
2. Ibid

3. Ibid

Monday 16 March 2015

The Prynt

Hello all, during this post I will be discussing about the Prynt which is a instant camera case for smartphones. As soon as you look at this device you will get a nostalgic feeling inside and will instantly think of the old-time Polaroid cameras. Although these cases do a whole lot more than one of those old cameras ever could. “Ever wanted to share a photo with a friend and not have to put it on the internet? Now you can, with Prynt: the first ever instant camera case for smartphones. Just plug in your iPhone or Android device, snap a photo or choose one from your favorite social network, and print it out in thirty seconds!1 Incredible isn’t it? Just wait it gets even better.

Each print-out is more than a photo — it's a video! While you're posing for a photo, our app records a short video and stores it in the cloud. When you hold your phone over the printed image, our app will automatically scan and recognize it, showing your movie on screen in augmented reality.2 At some point in everyone’s life they look back on a photo and think about what was actually happening during that photo? I know I have, now when your old and aged and looking back on photos you could remember a lot more memories that you would never have been able to simply with pictures, if you can still figure out how to operate the device.

The different types of smartphones that are compatible with the Prynt are as followed:

To conclude this blog post I will add a link to a Prynt video that talks more about the device in great detail. Thank you for reading and Stay tuned for more posts about the new technology that would one day be the norm.


1. Prynt. (n.d.). Story. Retrieved on March 16, 2015, from            
2. Ibid

3. Ibid

A New Era Of Street Surfing

This is a post that I am sure all you skaters/surfers will love. I will be discussing the amazing new invention called the Onewheel. This device is just to cool that as soon as I saw it I had to blog about it. It is a “self-balancing electric skateboard that gives you the feeling of flying.1 If you can imagine a skateboard and a Segway met and had a baby this is what the outcome would be.

Onewheel has the most advanced motion sensing, hub motor and battery technology available--you just won't see it. What you'll experience is a board that feels magical whether for fun, waiting for the surf to come up, or getting around town.2 This device is just incredible and revolutionary. From pictures shown it really shows that you can do so much more on the Onewheel compared to a skateboard for transportation, such as riding it down mountains, or on the beach. It looks like a great time no doubt.

Another advantage to this new technology? “Most people can learn to ride Onewheel in a couple minutes even if they're not used to boardsports. That's because controlling a Onewheel is so intuitive. Powerful sensors and sophisticated algorithms are constantly helping you balance and control your ride with just the forward or backward lean of your body. People with experience with other boardsports are often ready to ride aggressively within their first few minutes on Onewheel.3 You can even connect the Onewheel to your smartphone via Bluetooth, which allows you to access their app and control your device even more!

If I had the money to spend $1,500 on one of these I definitely would.

To conclude this blog post I will add a link to a Onewheel video that shows more about the device in great detail and visuals. Thank you for reading and Stay tuned for more posts about the new technology that would one day be the norm.


1. Onewheel. (n.d.). Story. Retrieved on March 16, 2015, from  
2. Ibid

3. Ibid

Bendable Smartphones

Hello all, for todays blog post I will be discussing bendable smartphones, although there has been lots of talk and displays for these devices for years now they will finally be on the market by the end of this year.

More specifically “Samsung says it will be making between 30,000 and 40,000 flexible displays per month by the end of 2015. The first device to use this bendable technology will launch by the end of next year, but Samsung says that "nothing has been decided on the finished product."1

This however brings up the topic is it going to be bendable or just flexible? Seeing as how Samsung and LG already have phones that have slightly curved screens, will it all just be a big money scheme to grab attention? The quote below helps solve these questions.

Based on the way Samsung is describing its newer technology, however, it sounds like you'll be able to actually fold and bend future phones. Of course, developing a bendable screen is only half the battle — manufacturers still need to find a way to make processors, batteries, and all the other components inside smartphones flexible too. LG and Samsung have both already started working on batteries that can bend and fold.”2

After reading this article I can’t stop thinking to myself what actual use could this benefit me? Let alone how successful the launch of the product will be. Personally I don’t believe this will be a trend in the near future, but who really knows with the advancement of phones these days. People are walking around with smartphones too big to fit into their pockets so they may have to start folding up their smartphones just so they can carry out their so-called portable device.

To conclude this blog post I will add a video that will provide more information on these crazy bendable smartphones, Thank you for reading and Stay tuned for more posts about the new technology that would one day be the norm.


                 1. Business Insider (November 18 2014). Samsung Will Release A Crazy, Bendable Smartphone Next Year.                                       Retrieved on  March  16, 2015, from   
2. Ibid