Monday 16 March 2015

A New Era Of Street Surfing

This is a post that I am sure all you skaters/surfers will love. I will be discussing the amazing new invention called the Onewheel. This device is just to cool that as soon as I saw it I had to blog about it. It is a “self-balancing electric skateboard that gives you the feeling of flying.1 If you can imagine a skateboard and a Segway met and had a baby this is what the outcome would be.

Onewheel has the most advanced motion sensing, hub motor and battery technology available--you just won't see it. What you'll experience is a board that feels magical whether for fun, waiting for the surf to come up, or getting around town.2 This device is just incredible and revolutionary. From pictures shown it really shows that you can do so much more on the Onewheel compared to a skateboard for transportation, such as riding it down mountains, or on the beach. It looks like a great time no doubt.

Another advantage to this new technology? “Most people can learn to ride Onewheel in a couple minutes even if they're not used to boardsports. That's because controlling a Onewheel is so intuitive. Powerful sensors and sophisticated algorithms are constantly helping you balance and control your ride with just the forward or backward lean of your body. People with experience with other boardsports are often ready to ride aggressively within their first few minutes on Onewheel.3 You can even connect the Onewheel to your smartphone via Bluetooth, which allows you to access their app and control your device even more!

If I had the money to spend $1,500 on one of these I definitely would.

To conclude this blog post I will add a link to a Onewheel video that shows more about the device in great detail and visuals. Thank you for reading and Stay tuned for more posts about the new technology that would one day be the norm.


1. Onewheel. (n.d.). Story. Retrieved on March 16, 2015, from  
2. Ibid

3. Ibid

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