Sunday 25 January 2015

Apple Watch

There has been a lot of buzz going on in 2015 about wearable technology, by far one of the most talked about gadgets is the Apple Watch that will be hitting stores this year. “Selecting a watch is very personal. As with all things you wear, how it looks is at least as important as what it does. So we set out to make Apple Watch something you’ll love to use every day. As well as something you can’t wait to put on every morning.”1 In this case Apple has never been so correct. The overall design of this watch is flawless and there are over millions of ways to customize your Apple Watch so it is your perfect fit.

So what’s the technology behind the watch that makes it stand out over any competitors? “Since wristwatches were invented in the 19th century, people have been glancing at them to check the time. With Apple Watch, this simple, reflexive act allows you to learn so much more. We optimized your favourite apps for the wrist by developing Glances - scannable summaries of the information you seek out most frequently. To see them, you simply swipe up from your watch face. In an instant, you can glimpse the weather forecast, check out what’s next on your calendar or find your current location on a map. You can quickly swipe through different Glances, or tap on one to go directly to its corresponding app for more details.”2 Although there have been many 'wearables' on the market these past few years and none have really become a trend, I personally do believe Apple Watch is going to be huge.

You won’t just send and receive messages, calls and mail more easily and efficiently. You’ll express yourself in new, fun and more personal ways. With Apple Watch, every exchange is less about reading words on a screen and more about making a genuine connection.3 The watch we imagined as children is here, now the question is will you be going out to get one in the upcoming months?

To conclude this blog post I will add a link to an Apple Watch video that talks more about the watch in great detail. Thank you for reading and Stay tuned for more posts about the new technology that would one day be the norm.


1. Apple. (n.d.). Design. Retrieved on January 24, 2015, from    
2. Apple. (n.d.). Technology. Retrieved on January 24, 2015, from         
3. Apple. (n.d.). New Ways To Connect. Retrieved on January 24, 2015, from  

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